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Your First Visit

We welcome patients of all ages to our practice, and the initial consultation visit is always complimentary. Your first appointment consists of taking digital photographs of the face and teeth, and meeting with Dr. Grady, Dr. Kastner, or Dr. Gornick and our treatment coordinator for a thorough and comprehensive orthodontic examination and consultation.

We will listen to patient concerns, answer any questions, and indicate whether or not orthodontic treatment is needed, and what options are available. Each patient’s specific needs are carefully analyzed and a treatment plan is tailored to the individual.

At this visit, all clinical and procedural aspects of your treatment will be addressed. Fees for the recommended orthodontic care, treatment length, payment options, and insurance benefits which may be available to you will be discussed.

 Diagnostic records will be taken at your first visit and include two digital X-rays (a panorex and a cephalometric X-ray) and a digital scan of the teeth which will also aid the doctors in customizing a treatment plan for you. If a orthodontic appliance is recommended (some appliances may be made in color), a color chart is listed below and will be included in your new patient take home packet.


Appliance Color Chart